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Nature (7)
...Jacques Monod (Nobel Prize, 1965) calls evolution a 'gigantic lottery' or 'nature's roulette' and concludes: `Chance alone is at the source of every innovation, of all creation in the biosphere. Pure chance, absolutely free but blind, at the very root of the stupendous edifice of evolution: this central concept of modern biology is no longer one among other conceivable hypotheses. It is today the sole conceivable hypothesis, the only one that squares with observed and tested fact. And nothing warrants the supposition - or the hope - that on this score our position is likely ever to be revised... The universe was not pregnant with life nor the biosphere with man. Our number came up in the Monte Carlo game.' (Monod J., Chance and Necessity, New York, 1971, pp.121-122, 146)
‘‘At least half of mankind,’’ he observed, ‘‘still makes an unconscious equation in its thinking, and assumes that change- any sort of change- is identical with progress. It is not so; and any student of the course of evolutionary history on Terra could tell you of change which has been regressive, change which has led to an ultimately fatal specialization, change which has been overadaptation to an ecological niche which no longer existed, or did not yet exist.’’ - Margaret St. Clair, AgentoftheUnknown (1952)
I pray for one last landing On the globe that gave me birth; Letmerestmy eyesonthe.eecyskies Andthecool,greenhillsof Earth. Letthesweetfreshbreezeshealme As they rove around the girth Of our lovely mother planet, Of the cool, green hills of Earth. We’vetriedeachspinningspacemote Andreckoneditstrue worth: Take us back again to the homes of men On the cool, green hills of Earth. The arching sky is calling Spacemen back to their trade. All hands! Stand by! Free falling! Andthelightsbelowusfade. Outridethesonsof Terra, Far drives the thundering jet, Upleapstheraceof Earthmen Out,far,andonwardyet-
All my life I’ve wanted to go to Earth. Not to live, of course- just to see it. As everybody knows, Terra is a wonderful place to visit but not to live. Not truly suited for human habitation. - Robert A. Heinlein, Podkayne of Mars: Her Life and Times (1963)
Earth, terra, tellus mean both the soil and the planet, two meanings and one. But to the Athsheans soil, ground, earth was not that to which the dead return and by which the living live; the substance of their world was not earth, but forest. Terran man was clay, red dust. Athshean man was branch and root. They did not carve .gures of themselves in stone, only in wood. - Ursula K. Le Guin, ‘‘The Word for World Is Forest’’ (1972)
Theoldcrankactuallywantedtomakepeople.[...]He wantedtobecomea sort of scienti.c substitute for God, you know. He was a fearful materialist, and that’s why he did it all. His sole purpose was nothing more or less than to supply proof that Providence was no longer necessary. - Karel Capek, R.U.R. (play, 1921)
The sole preoccupation of this learned society was the destruction of humanity for philanthropic reasons and the perfection of weapons as instruments of civilization. - Jules Verne, From the Earth to the Moon (1865)