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Sex (63)
Tolstoy and Mahatma Gandhi, in their old age, laid it down that all sexual intercourse is wicked, even in marriage and with a view to offspring. The Manicheans thought likewise, relying upon men's native sinfulness to supply them with a continually fresh crop of disciples. This doctrine, however, is heretical, though it is equally heretical to maintain that marriage is as praiseworthy as celibacy. Tolstoy thinks tobacco almost as bad as sex; in one of his novels, a man who is contemplating murder smokes a cigarette first in order to generate the necessary homicidal fury. Tobacco, however, is not prohibited in the Scriptures, though,as Samuel Butler points out, St. Paul would no doubt have denounced it if he had known of it. Bertrand Russell
Very few men or women who have had a conventional upbringing have learnt to feel decently about sex and marriage. Their education has taught them that deceitfulness and lying are considered virtues by parents and teachers; that sexual relations, even within marriage, are more or less disgusting, and that in propagating the species men are yielding to their animal nature while women are submitting to a painful duty. This attitude has made marriage unsatisfying both to men and to women, and the lack of instinctive satisfaction has turned to cruelty masquerading as morality. Bertrand Russell
Programming is like sex. One mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life. (Michael Sinz)
A sex survey? No, I'm sorry, I have a headache.
Artificial Infemination - Another name for a sex-change operation
Bill Clinton thinks safe sex is when Hillary is out of town.
Chances are, if your parents didn't have sex, you won't eather
Golf and sex are about the only things you can enjoy without being good at.
Even bad sex is better than no sex.
Murphy's Law on Sex: Sex is dirty only if it's done right.