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Quotes, aphorisms, famous sentences

In these pages you can find a collection of 8295 quotes and aphorisms. You can search for a specific word using the form below, or surf among the categories. If you find errors, please let me know! Have fun!

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[On H. G. Wells:] ‘‘I do not see the possibility of comparison between his work and mine. We do not proceed in the same manner. It occurs to me that his stories do not repose on very scienti.c bases. No, there is no rapport be­tween his work and mine. I make use of physics. He invents. I go to the moon in a cannon-ball, discharged from a cannon. Here there is no invention. He goes to Mars in an airship, which he constructs of a metal which does away with the law of gravitation. Ça c’est très joli,’’ cried Monsieur Verne in an animated way, ‘‘but show me this metal. Let him produce it.’’ - Jules Verne, cited in Robert H. Sherard, ‘‘Jules Verne Re-Visited’’ (1903)
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