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Music (17)
Here was my life, a mess with a few good things. Now how do I pull out the good things and step away from the mess? - Rebecca Ore, ‘‘Half in Love with Easeful Rock and Roll’’ (1998)
The jungle looked back at them with a vastness, a breathing moss-and-leaf silence, with a billion diamond and emerald insect eyes. - Ray Bradbury, ‘‘And the Rock Cried Out’’ (1953)
This concern, feebly called ‘‘love of nature,’’ seemed to Shevek to be something much broader than love. There are souls, he thought, whose umbilicus has never been cut. They never got weaned from the universe. They do not understand death as an enemy; they look forward to rotting and turning into humus. It was strange to see Takver take a leaf into her hand, or even a rock. She became an extension of it, it of her. - Ursula K. Le Guin, The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous Utopia (1974)
He would, after all, be an ambassador; between the old and the new- between the creatures of carbon and the creatures of metal who must one day supersede them.
[On H. G. Wells:] ‘‘I do not see the possibility of comparison between his work and mine. We do not proceed in the same manner. It occurs to me that his stories do not repose on very scienti.c bases. No, there is no rapport between his work and mine. I make use of physics. He invents. I go to the moon in a cannon-ball, discharged from a cannon. Here there is no invention. He goes to Mars in an airship, which he constructs of a metal which does away with the law of gravitation. Ça c’est très joli,’’ cried Monsieur Verne in an animated way, ‘‘but show me this metal. Let him produce it.’’ - Jules Verne, cited in Robert H. Sherard, ‘‘Jules Verne Re-Visited’’ (1903)
Why are we trying to get into space anyhow? There’s nothing out there but a lot of nothing, and some balls of rock nobody wants. - James Blish, ‘‘First Strike’’ (1953)
She went down one more step, and let herself look at the rocket. The workmen were still there. The metal dragon swallowed all they fed it, stolid, indi.erent, letting itself be stu.ed, for now, with bits and pieces of paraphernalia, oddments of .ber and metal, of glass and wood. But all the while it waited, knowing the feast that was coming soon, brooding and hungering for the living .esh that would feed it this night. - Judith Merril, ‘‘So Proudly We Hail’’ (1953)